The Route to the Destruction of Roe Vs. Wade

Well guys, it’s happened, everything I predicted with the appointment of Supreme Court injustice Rapey McKavanaugh; we’re staring down the barrel of a gun, or more poignantly a coat hanger.  For every person who voted for Trump and disregarded every sexist fucking thing he ever said, this is your fault.  YOU chose to continue a war against women and I’m fucking pissed to see my news feed filled with fear, sadness, anger and frustration.

Roe vs Wade was a moment where women were able to finally gain control over their bodies.  Now we stand at the precipice of having the control over OUR bodies stolen from us.  Under what disguise?  To protect the sanctity of life?  Excuse me, but you have to be fucking kidding me if you think I’m buying the shit you are trying to pass off as logic.  Where’s the gun ban if life is your main ambition?  Why protect the second amendment with so much vitriol, but argue against the constitutionality of a woman’s right to choose?

Fuck that, it’s about one thing and that is control over women.  If you have not been paying attention, an abundance of (white) men in the US have become toxic and domineering towards women.  For every step forward our gender makes, men are right there to call us sluts, whores, bitches and any other word from the litany of popular sexist terms.

  How many women are raped every fucking day?  How many women are beaten every day?  How many women are harassed at work?  How many young girls are told they are worth less than a boy?  How much harder do women have to work to prove they are just as competent as any man?  How many women have to die at the hands of men?

I’m fucking sick of this bullshit “sanctity of life” argument.  No one on the right gives a flying fuck about saving babies.  “Abortion is murder!!!”  Yeah, is it?  You claim to care so much about the injustice committed against a cluster of cells, but you have no care for these children when they are actually born?  Where are the hordes of “Christians” swarming to adopt children in the foster system?  Where is the abundant dissemination of practical sexual education and unlimited access to birth control?  Where is the support funding for desperate young mothers?  WHERE THE FUCK IS ANY EXAMPLE OF HOW YOU CARE ABOUT LIFE?

Oh yeah, that’s fucking right, no one actually wants to LOWER abortion rates, no, that would be the decent and intelligent approach to stopping the alleged problem of “murdered babies.”  Right?  Preventing accidental conception which leads to abortion needs, right?  Because we are trying to save lives right, why not stop the problem before it arises.

Oh, what’s that?  The actual issue has nothing to do with saving lives, otherwise abstinence only education would be disposed of and replaced with statistical proven informative education.  That would give women even more freedom right?  If all of the women understood how sex, birth control and family rearing works.  The truth is the people passing these laws don’t care at all about lowering abortion rates.  No.  It is far more sinister.  In case you are too ignorant to realize religion is often being used a means of control–a method to keep the impoverished locked into cyclical poverty.  Easier to control poor and disenfranchised people by keeping them ignorant and destitute.  They can’t complain about their woes if they are too busy trying to keep their ten children fed.

The reasons these right wing assholes want abortion banned is the fact that men in power are sick of hearing women speak up about the bullshit we endure.  They don’t want to hear about the wage gap, they don’t give two shits for rape victims.  Sally got another black eye from her drunk husband?  Well maybe she should have shut up.  That woman of color is upset she is making 50 cents to a white man’s dollar?  Well maybe she should not be in the workplace at all.  In short, they want women’s rights rolled back and white men to be firmly in power with no threat to their legitimacy.

THESE ARE THE REASONS THESE LAWS ARE BEING PUSHED.  The equality of women can be pushed to the side if women are too busy with their accidental fourth child, they have no time to organize and demand equality.  Better yet, these forced mothers, burdened by their lack of financial stability and education, will raise children who are highly incapable of succeeding and in their adulthood will likely turn to a life of crime. After attending a school which has absolutely no funding to provide extra-curricular or after school sports, guess where these troubled, uneducated, and ill-prospective kids will go once they hit eighteen?  You think these kids, raised in shit conditions, are going to college to enter the workforce as capable and ambitious laborers?  Nah, fuck that, they’ll likely end up in jail for some petty crime like possession of narcotic s or theft— the crimes people commit out of desperation not choice.

But guess who profits from a full prison? Hmmmmm?  Prisons are privatized which means individuals in America are making a profit off of incarceration, why do you think we have one of the highest incarceration rates in the world?  It’s definitely not because Americans are more prone to crime than other comparable countries.  Why do we have such a large difference in the ethnicities incarcerated?  Why does the 13th amendment have a loophole for slave labor reserved for inmates?

Get ready for this logic I’m about to lay on you, we have systematic targeting within our legal system— the poor and the people of color— so weird that often people can be from both categories.   1/5 of ALL black men are in jail, 1/8 of ALL hispanic men are in jail…and where are white men on that list?  Oh ya, something like 1/38 white men are in jail.  If we actually prosecuted for rape then maybe we might have more white men in jail, but instead we appoint them as supreme court justices. 

This abortion laws being passed are the beginning of the overturning of RvW.  Justice Rapey McKavanaugh was not put on the supreme court to overturn the ban— that’s an added perk for the conservatives.  No, that fucker is on there because his vote will be swing vote on any possible cases against Trump which could lead to his expulsion from his presidential position.  That is the far scarier aspect to realize— Kavanaugh is Trump’s get out of jail vote.  It is not surprising that another sexual predator would absolve another sexist pig.  But if the main goal of the Trump administration was to overturn RvW they would have appointed a less scandalous nominee, but Trump needed someone to ensure his agenda would remain in tact if a case went to the Supreme Court.  If the supreme court appointment was not such a huge part of the republican agenda then they would not have run the clock on Obama when he tried to appoint a moderate nominee— but they did, and they did it for reasons which are not beneficial to the American people, only to the oligarchical patriarchy which runs the US.

However, in addition to the Pro-Trump stance of the Justice Rape, now we have someone on the USSC who has a very visible distaste towards women and now he will have a chance to punish every woman in America for the embarrassment and ridicule he RIGHTLY received when his character was called into question during Dr. Ford’s Testimony

So why pass the bills now? Well, the ACLU can challenge the new laws in Alabama and other fuck-your-cousin states, but when they head to the USSC we will have a 5-4 conservative court in favor of banning abortions.  When any of these heart beat laws are heard and upheld by a conservative, pro-birth court we will have the overturning ruling to the landmark 1968 decision, the defining moment of the women’s movement destroyed.  South Carolina just overturned the exceptions for rape and incest, maybe this one will land in the USSC.

Abortion has allowed women so much freedom, the ability to choose when, if, and with whom we reproduce.  We were no longer shackled to whatever dick laid its seed in us, not held responsible for one bad decision for the rest of our lives.  The sexual revolution which pushed women into the work field and clarified that a woman ought not be ashamed of her sexuality is being emulsified.  We are fucked unless drastic protests happen, by then it might be too late. 

Don’t worry, the wealthy will still have access to abortion— especially the daughter’s and mistresses of the good ol’ boys’.  But for people of color and those living paycheck to paycheck, well you should have been smarter in that underfunded school you attended.  Obviously, you were a slut and you deserve to have everyone see you as nothing more than an unwed teenage mother.  You deserve the shame.  As for the guy who knocked you up?  What about your creepy uncle who raped you?  Well, they just made a mistake, we don’t need to punish them. 

I know my words are harsh, and angry— I’m fucking pissed— but this is the reality we are about to face.  The backlash to the #metoo movement was unsurprisingly stringent and if we are not willing to fight for our rights they will disappear and we will be sent back to the kitchens with a child suckling at our sagging tits as we wipe the sweat from our furrowed brows.  Who needs education and a career if you are tending to a herd of kids? 

Better yet, what man needs to listen to any woman if she is chained to the burden of unplanned parenthood?  In short, the men in power and their ignorant hens want to go back to a time when they did not need to consider the needs of women, it was easier. 

We’re making America great again, remember?  That was the time where women stayed home and had no voice in politics.  I don’t think that was such a great time— women drinking and taking pills to deal with an unwanted pregnancy or thrusting a rusted coat hanger into our cunts, or maybe just a nice flight down the stairs.  Abortions will always exist, legal abortion just ensures women are safe when they choose to terminate pregnancy.  But this is totally an argument over saving lives…right?  

Take into consideration the Trans community, a community of emotionally and physically abused people and realize that the Male trans community, biologically female who identify as males.  A common misconception is hormonal treatment acts as contraception which would make these individuals unsusceptible to pregnancy.  THIS IS WRONG.  Which means this group, who have higher numbers of rapes than the cis female community, has a higher chance of a pregnancy which originates from sexual assault.  Not only are these trans men being stripped of their choice of their gender roles, but they are being forced into a position where the freedom to be themselves is stolen. 

Personally, I believe if cis men were able to become pregnant then abortion would not be an issue at all, the same reason Viagra is covered by insurance, but birth control is somehow controversial.  However, conservatives see the trans community, a community which has historically existed continuously, as emotionally disturbed and therefor disregard the personal wishes of these people and see forced pregnancy as God reaffirming his power.  Maybe the right dick will force that person to reevaluate their sexual choice.  The trans perspective is a view which goes largely ignored and leads to many in the community having even less access to emergency resources such as information and abortions.

Lastly, I want to discuss what it is actually like to live in a country where abortion is illegal and how it negatively effects the people and the country.  The Philippines is largely considered a developing country and a highly religious one at that, I sit here writing this blog with about ten children ages 6-10 gather around a table for lunch, no parent nearby to supervise.  These children mothers are likely aged 17-23.  The reason being is that the women, no girls, tend to have their first unexpected and unplanned pregnancy between 14 and 18.  Now, of course these young women drop out of school to raise the child.  But a better question is how did it happen in the first place?

  My main observations, pointed out in my blog on health care, is the societal aversion to sexuality and discussing it in any educational or informative matter.  Children learn about sexuality via the internet, their friends, and entertainment.  Obviously, as statistics have consecutively shown, a lack of sex-ed and contraception leads to higher unplanned pregnancies and STD’s.  The Philippines has some of the highest HIV rates in the world, point and case.  However, contraception is widely available, but the knowledge and education on its application and use is non-existent.  Like a difficult tool without any instructions on use, of course people will not use the device properly and to the best of its potential.

Now when these children are born the cost of raising a child immediately becomes an issue.  In a country where people earn 2-7$ a day, the cost of raising one child, usually three or more, is a problem.  Often enough, you see children left at home with other family members so the mother can go out and earn a living.  Something people seem to ignore about the necessity for a mother to work is the incestuous rapes which are oh so prominent in the country, but no one seems to want to discuss.  So these children, born of young and uneducated women, left at home with uncles, grandfather’s cousins and so forth, end up being raped. 

In addition to this marvelous outcome, most of the couples who have children at a young age do not stay together which leads to broken homes with children because the kids who had kids were too emotionally immature to understands the magnitude of unprotected copulation.  Awesome.

The women in this situation are doomed to a cycle of poverty simply because they are having unmanageable sized families.  Meanwhile the female dog on the street has engorged breasts and is pregnant again with her tenth litter— dogs who will roam around freely and cause motorcycle accidents which is one of the largest causes of deaths in the Philippines.  Oh ya, that and mothers who can not afford medication for children with any sickness, which of course leads to children dying.  But it’s a good life if they were born right?  Even if they die catastrophically at age six because the mother could not pay for medication, the mother will be just fine afterwards too right?

Unmanaged population and the lack of choices, education, and options for women will hold countries like the Philippines in poverty until the people have a social shift and opt for scientific methods over religion.   So if at this point you still think abortion should be illegal…come check out the Philippines and see the vacuous look in the eyes of women as four crying children cling to her dress as she tries to sell you some plastic souvenir.  That’s the reality. 

Get ready women, grab your bonnet and grab that life saving gun because shit is about to get real.  The time to ask for our rights is fucking over, it’s time we demand for what we are rightfully owed, autonomy.

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